Dayspring Church

Join us in worship on Sundays at 10 am in Florence at 185 Westgate Way. We are a family-oriented church following the Lord Jesus, His Word, and Spirit.

Experience Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness!

Our Sunday celebration service includes praise and worship with contemporary music, prayer, and teaching. Dress is casual. We have ministry for children ages 3-12, and they may participate in praise and worship before they go to their own class for a lesson, craft, and fun. Nursery care is available for birth through 3 years old for. If you have questions, please call (406) 273-4650. We look forward to meeting you!

What Are We About?

All of the world religions are based upon what you should or shouldn’t do, to be right with God. However, the message of Christ is that by His grace, He can make you righteous when you put your faith in Him.

Dayspring Church is part of the Foursquare Church which has a global impact. The founder, Aimee Semple McPherson, established a church in Los Angeles as an evangelistic base. This work grew into a network of churches that became the Foursquare Church in 1923. Currently, there are over eight million members worldwide who believe in Jesus as Savior, Healer, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, and coming King. The Foursquare Church proclaims, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.”

What Makes Foursquare Different?

  • The worldwide Foursquare community agreed to hold in common the following six Global Distinctives as a movement and as a denomination.
  • We will work alongside other Christians and churches. We will be a distinct movement, but will also hold a collegial spirit and maintain a helpful and cooperative posture with whom we can partner in mission.
  • The Declaration of Faith of The Foursquare Church will guide our practice, church polity and call of believers into the work of the kingdom. It will be a biblical statement, apply to all members, and be the Declaration of Faith for all churches and all member nations. Its roots are deeply rooted in the sole source of spiritual authority: the Word of God.
  • According to God’s gifting and calling, we will intentionally prepare and release men and women across generations and cultures into all positions of leadership and areas of ministry.
  • We will relate to each other with love in our global Family. We acknowledge that relationships are the heart of God’s kingdom and will extend grace to fellow believers through ministry, cooperation and mutual submission in our global church.
  • As a Spirit-filled movement, we will consistently minister the baptism with the Holy Spirit, and teach and encourage believers to fully express the gifts of the Spirit in their daily lives. We totally submit ourselves in obedience to the Spirit’s use of our lives and His miraculous works in our day.
  • We will focus our mission and ministry efforts on multiplying disciples, leaders, churches and national movements. Holding to God’s passion for the lost, we will seek a movement of evangelism, mercy ministries, contextualized church planting and mobilizing indigenous believers in ministry among all peoples.

What is Dayspring?

The book of Luke says, “The Dayspring from on high has visited us through the tender mercies of God; to give light to those in darkness and the shadow of death and to guide us into the way of peace.” (Luke 1:77)

So, what is “Dayspring?” It’s another word for Christ, or literally, “the dawn.” Dayspring Church is a community of believers who seek to follow Jesus, to love one another, and demonstrate God’s love and truth to the world. We want to help to set free anyone who may be caught up in any distortion or brokenness.

Healing and restoration are available through the grace and truth of Jesus. Today, He transforms lives in families, the marketplace, and in nations! We follow Him to fulfill His mission, which is to make other followers of Christ who will make other followers! This changes the world!

How Can We Serve You?


Are you facing struggles or a difficult time in your life? We would love to talk and pray with you. You can be changed by Christ as you come to know Him and make Him known.

Meeting Jesus

Are you new in your relationship with God? Do you have questions about the Bible or what your next steps would be? There are starting points we can help you with including a Foundations class on Sunday mornings at 9 am.

Small Groups

How can you get connected with others? We offer various informal small groups to help provide friendships, help, prayer, and support.

Kids and Youth

What about kids and youth? We want to reach young people and develop them into leaders. We have built an addition for more space to serve the next generation. Take a step and get involved in working with young people. Contact our office at (406) 273-4650.

Cover for Dayspring Church
Dayspring Church

Dayspring Church

Morning Prayer 9am
Adult Sunday School 9am
Sunday Service 10am
Kids Sunday School -After Worship